How to use Tea Plays Tea Bonbons?

Tea Plays Bonbons are more than just a new look for tea. They are designed to make life simpler and fun. That is why there's more than one way to make a cup of Tea Plays. Here are a few walk-throughs of some of the best ways to make a variety of cups with your set of Tea Plays Bonbons.
Remember, in each case:
First, choose the Bonbon that fits the moment. Do you want to feel perked up? Or give your digestion a boost? Or relax in the afternoon after lunch? Each tea & flower or herb blend has been created with such a time in mind.
Second, unwrap the Bonbon. Remember, in case anyone with a sweet tooth is nearby – the Bonbons are all dried tea leaves, and are not for eating, despite looking like sweets!
Choose your method for infusing your tea:
1. Hot in the Jar
Take a big jar or teapot and fill with enough water for 2-3 cups of tea. Make sure the water is preheated to 90 degrees or so. Then drop in your Bonbon and allow the tea to infuse for five minutes – stir a few times and allow the flavors to spread fully through the water. Enjoy it with a few friends or loved ones!
2. Hot in the Cup (using a tea bag)
Take a tea bag from the envelope and place the Bonbon inside. Use the reversible flap to loosely 'seal' the bag to stop the leaves from escaping. Place the bag in your mug and add water heated to about 90 degrees and allow to brew for 5 minutes. You can use each bag in this way up to three times!
3. Ice Cubes
Infuse your tea in a mug or jar as in methods 1. or 2. Then pour the tea into a normal ice tray. once the tea is fully frozen, place the cubes into a glass and add a little water or even hot tea
so the cubes start to melt. Soon you can enjoy a fragrant iced tea – this is great for Spring or Summer.
4. Cold Brew
Place your Bonbon in a mug with cold water, then leave in a cool place for at least 10 hours. The flavors take longer to infuse, but you will have a deeply-flavored cool tea by the end!
5. From Hot to Cold
Infuse a mug of tea with hot water as in methods 1. or 2. Then take the mug with the Bonbon still infusing inside and place in the fridge for about 4 hours. You can now enjoy a perfectly flavored, cold Tea Plays tea.
Tags: All About Tea, Tea Bonbons, How to?