Our Tea Bonbon "After Lunch" Prevents Digestive Discomfort Thanks to Hawthorn and Jasmine Flowers
Tea is a common way to end a meal. A herbal combination can make you settled and happy as well as full.
Organic hawthorn and jasmine are both present in After Lunch, a bonbon with a fresh, perfumed flavor that refreshes your palate right after your afternoon meal. The prevents digestive system complaints such as indigestion, diarrhea, and stomach pain. This small berry-carrying plant has a great effect controlling cardiovascular disorders, it also relaxes the blood vessels, improves circulation and reduces high blood pressure, all key effects for good digestion.
Here's a shocking reality (not!): After we eat, our bodies try to assimilate all the ingredients ingested! In our modern-day diet (hamburgers, ketchup...) we take in excessive amounts of cholesterol and sugars. Jasmine, from an ultra-fragrant flower that the Chinese and other cultures have used in cuisine for centuries, lowers the cholesterol level and reduces the risk of diabetes. Hawthorn and Jasmine – what great natural ingredients to improve your chances of having a healthy stomach, better digestion and to prevent gastrointestinal disorders!
Tags: All About Tea, Tea Bonbons